Category: The Hamster
Vol. 46, No. 12 ......................... December 2019
The SELARC "Hamster"

*Serving Amateur Radio Since 1974*
Published Monthly by the Southeast Louisiana Amateur Radio Club Inc.
P.O. Box 1324, Hammond LA 70404
Visit our website:
See 2019-12.pdf for a printer-friendly version of this document
Vol. 46, No. 12 ......................... December 2019
* Club Meeting Christmas Party - Potluck Dinner !! *

All club members are invited and any new hams or persons who wish to join or rejoin SELARC,

Please RSVP Here or email us us for assistance.
Members are requested to RSVP either yes or no: Even if you cannot or will not attend.





OPTIONS in Hammond

19362  West Shelton Road

Tuesday, December 10th, at 6:00PM

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Peace on Earth ----- Good Will To Men!

Tuesday, December 10, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
(19362 W Shelton Rd)
Hammond, LA

Talk-in 147.00 (-600) w/107.2 Tone -- Handicap Access

If you would like to become a member of SELARC, please print out and complete the application/renewal form and return it with your check to: P.O. Box 1324, Hammond LA 70404. Thanks!

SELARC 2020 Hamfest

As a reminder, The SELARC Hamfest on January 18, 2020, in Hammond is just a month away, and the club is still in need of many more ticket sales. Please contact Ernie Bush to obtain more tickets to sell or email us to request.

We also request that all members come to the Christmas Party and make sure you are signed up to work the Hamfest or contact Tyrone [email protected] to sign up, and sell as many tickets as you can! Also remember that those current members who take and turn in paid sales of the most $5 tickets -- minimum of 20 or more tickets by end of the day before the Hamfest receive special thanks and the incentive of 1-year dues-free extension of SELARC membership.

The 4 main prizes for tickets also listed on the SELARC Hamfest page - main prize winners do not need to be present at the drawing and if a non-ham wins can receive the cash value equivalent shown in place of item, prizes include:

  • 1st Prize: Yaesu FT-450D or $500
  • 2nd Prize: Yaesu FTM-400XDR or $350
  • 3rd Prize: AA-230 Zoom Antennae Analyzer or $200
  • 4th Prize: Yaesu FT-70DR or $100

Please email us if you have questions about the event or for any more information needed to sell tickets.

Special Events, Other Hamfests & VE Sessions
MARA Christmas Hamfest - Minden, LA - Dec 21, 2019
SELARC - 39th Annual Hammond Hamfest

Hammond VE Group - ARRL/W5YI tests are scheduled for the last Sunday of each month [with the exception of holiday conflicts] in Room "B" of the North Oaks Medical System Diagnostic Center at 2pm with $15 testing fee. Bring photo ID and any appropriate CSCE. For more information contact [email protected] or Find an Amateur Radio License Exam in Your Area.

AMSAT 50th Anniversary Awards Program for contacts 3/3/19 to 12/31/19

Happy Birthday

Birthday Wishes for November go out to - Elizabeth KM6MWZ, Larry KJ6SET, and Carol KE5GOC.
If we missed your birthday, then please let us know.

Get Well Soon —
Best wishes for continued recuperation go to SELARC members Tom Simpson N5HAY and Homer Jones KA5TRT. We look forward to hearing you on the air!
VE Session Results

Congratulations to the following new Amateur Radio Operators and upgrades!!

Sebastian Schoegl - Baton Rouge, La.
Leo Schoegl - Baton Rouge, La.
Donald Hendrix - Gretna, La.
Timothy Lynch / KG5QDO - Hammond, La.

Again, many thanks to all VEs' who make the effort to make these sessions a success!

Meeting of November 12, 2019 at the Tangipahoa Parish EOC

President Tyrone N5XES called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and lead in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a self-introduction/recognition of all present.

It was m/s/passed to accept minutes for the October meeting as published in the "Hamster" with 1 Nay.

Treasurer Ernie Bush N5NIB gave a financial report. Hamfest ticket sales have been low, and the club is in need of members selling many more tickets. It was m/s/passed to accept the financial report.

Attendance (12): Tyrone N5XES, Pechon KC5DP, Ernie N5NIB, Jimmy AG5EJ, Blake KG5UZW, Jerry N5GKJ, Keith KF5VLX, Pat KE5KMM, Ed KE5GMN, Matthew KG5YDV, and Butch KG5WQI

Correspondence No new member applications or correspondence was received.

Committee Reports

Repeater -

(Tyrone N5XES): The repeaters are on the air but not with much activity.


Pat KE5KMM - EC, Reported that things have been kind of quiet. With the change in time; the ARES HF net is now at 6:30. It is suggested hams should try to check in early, as the band closes later during the net.

Old Business

SELARC Hammond Hamfest

(Tyrone N5XES): Sell sell prize tickets. Please see Ernie about more tickets to sell.
We might be getting to have TNO7 as an additional vendor for Antennaes and Misc items for 2-3 tables.
A Hamfest duties worksheet was passed around for members to review and sign up.

Christmas Party
Next meeting/Christmas Party is planned to be at Options.

New Business

Farmer's Market Blake discussed Possible club display/events at the: Hammond Farmer's Market on some dates in a few weeks near the end of year once or twice.

Chamber of Commerce Blake made a motion that SELARC join the Chamber of Commerce which was discussed, and Ernie indicated that it would be suitable for members to make this decision in January when we can review dues against club finances, and Ed proposed that we table this to Old Business until the January meeting; the proposal was tabled.

Program A presentation was given by David Pechon KC5DP on the Army MARS. With more information available at

MARS stands for Military Auxiliary Radio System. We are headquartered at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, and assigned to the Headquarters, United States Army Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM).
The U.S. Army Military Auxiliary Radio System (AMARS) is an elite group of dedicated citizen volunteers who support the Department of Defense (DoD) in a variety of circumstances, including complex catastrophes and cyber denied or impaired conditions. MARS is a DoD program that trains, organizes and tasks volunteer Amateur Radio operators.

After the program; a reminder is given about the Location for Next Meeting - December 10 meeting will be the Christmas Party at Options, starting at 6:00 PM on December 10

It was m/s/passed to Adjourn at 8pm

News from ARRL

==> Southern California Hams Support Major Terrorist Attacks Response Drill
Seventy southern California amateur radio volunteers deployed to 30 local hospitals, clinics, and city emergency operations centers on November 6 to support public safety and emergency medical functions during a mock terrorist response drill that tested law enforcement and medical treatment facilities in San Diego County...

==> Radio Amateur's "Tribute to a Century of Broadcasting" Video Debuts on YouTube
Art Donahue, W1AWX, of Franklin, Massachusetts, has posted his
"Tribute to a Century of Broadcasting" video in recognition of the centennial of formal radio broadcasts. The video features a complete scan of the AM broadcast band (530 - 1700 kHz), with station IDs for all 118 AM radio channels.
Donahue told ARRL he recorded these off the air using two long-wire antennas in the trees. Each slide highlights one station on each frequency with call sign, location, power, day/night/gray-line reception, distance, and year of first broadcast, accompanied by audio of an actual station identification...

==> Pitcairn Island DXpedition Logs More Than 80,000 Contacts
The VP6R DXpedition to Pitcairn Island shut down at 1800 UTC on November 1, reporting 82,700 contacts. They reported excellent weather for the teardown and got everything packed and aboard the Braveheart, which is taking them to Mangareva. According to their update, the oldest resident of Pitcairn Island died on November 1, and the VP6R team attended the funeral the next day. The individual was buried next to Tom Christian, VP6TC, who gave many radio amateurs their first Pitcairn contacts. ...

==> W1AW to Commemorate 98th Anniversary of First Amateur Radio Signals to Span the Atlantic
December 11 marks the 98th anniversary of the success of ARRL's Transatlantic Tests in 1921, organized to see if low-power amateur radio stations could be heard across the Atlantic using shortwave frequencies (i.e., above 200 meters). On that day, a message transmitted by a group of Radio Club of America members at 1BCG in Greenwich, Connecticut, was copied by Paul Godley, 2ZE, in Scotland. ...

==> HamSCI Founder Nathaniel Frissell, W2NAF, Wins $1.3 Million Ionosphere Study Grant
Nathaniel Frissell, W2NAF, now a University of Scranton physics and electrical engineering professor, has won a $1.3 million National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to study weather effects in the ionosphere by leveraging a network of amateur radio stations. Frissell is perhaps best known within the amateur radio community as the founder of HamSCI, the Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation initiative. The Distributed Arrays of Small Instruments (DASI) project will be implemented over 3 years. ...

==> RF-Seismograph Gets Traction in Hackaday
Alex Schwarz, VE7DXW, has theorized for some time now that his RF-Seismograph, initially aimed at indicating band openings, seemed to also act as a real seismograph of sorts, with effects of earthquakes affecting HF noise levels and -- going out on a limb -- actually briefly enhancing HF propagation (click on image). Schwarz has some support from Professor Kosuke Heki of Hokkaido University in Japan, who has been researching whether changes occur in the ionosphere as a result of an earthquake.
The work of both citizen scientist Schwarz and space geodesy expert Heki caught the attention of Hackaday, the online publication with a stated goal of promoting "the free and open exchange of ideas and information." A November 12 Hackaday article, "HF Propagation and Earthquakes," outlines the observations of both men. According to the article, Heki "knew that changes in the ionosphere can affect GPS and GNSS receivers on the ground, and with Japan's vast network of receivers to keep track of the smallest of movements of the Earth's crust, he was able to spot an anomalous buildup of electrons directly above the devastating 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake that preceded the earthquake by 40 minutes." ...

==> So Now What? Podcast
"Navigating the Nets," with guest Steve Ewald, WV1X, ARRL Field Services Supervisor, will be the focus of the new (November 14) episode of the
So Now What? podcast for amateur radio newcomers. ...

==> Why Propagation Repeats About Every 27 Days
The sun rotates in about 27 days, but different solar latitudes rotate with different periods. This is why propagation repeats roughly every 27 days, as NASA
The sun's rotation was first detected by observing the motion of sunspots. The sun's rotation axis is tilted by about 7.25° from the axis of Earth's orbit, so we see more of the sun's north pole in September and more of its south pole in March. Because the sun is a ball of gas/plasma, it does not have to rotate rigidly, as solid planets and moons do. In fact, the sun's equatorial regions rotate faster -- taking only about 24 days -- than the polar regions, which rotate once every 30+ days....

==> WRC-19 Delegates Reach Agreement on 6-Meter Band in ITU Region 1
World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19) has approved a 6-meter allocation for International Telecommunication Region 1 (Europe, Africa, the Middle East). The decision came after more than 2 weeks of strenuous negotiations to reconcile widely disparate views of Region 1 administrations.
"The result is a dramatic improvement in the international Radio Regulations for amateurs in Region 1," the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) said in announcing the agreement ...


--The ARRL Letter and The American Radio Relay League


Stay Radio active -- See you at the next meeting, Tue, December 10, 2019; 6:00PM at Options in Hammond, LA
