Category: Tangipahoa ARES

American Radio Relay League

             Tangipahoa ARES

Amateur Radio Emergency Service


Weekly Net on

      Monday Night 7:30 pm Local Time

     147.000MHz (-600) 107.2 PL Tone



The Tangipahoa Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is a field organization of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). ARES is composed of FCC licensed amateur radio operators who are trained emergency communicators, volunteering their personal time, skill and equipment to serve in the public interest.

Tangi ARES serves southeast Louisiana (LA ARES Region 9) and cooperates with the neighboring parishes and communities of the area, the Tangipahoa Parish Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness and Southeastern Louisiana University.

Amateur radio operators living within this area who hold a valid amateur license are eligible to participate.

Tangipahoa ARES Emergency Coordinator :


     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  -  EC






Assistant Emergency Coordinator :

     Keith Samrow, KF5VLX  -  AEC

 "... The mandate to serve the public has been at the core of Amateur Radio since its earliest days. As hams, we have the unique ability to assist those in need in times of trouble. We're experienced communicators. We know how to make radios work. We have the skill to efficiently communicate helpful and even life-saving information when other communications systems fail. In the first decade of the 21st century, Amateur Radio has answered the call to serve in response to disasters such as the terrorist attacks of 9/11, hurricanes Katrina and Ike, massive tornado outbreaks in the South and the Midwest, and the 2010 Haiti earthquake."  -- from the Foreword of The Amateur Radio Public Service Handbook (published by ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio)

Suggested NIMS Training:

It is strongly suggested that all ARES members complete the online FEMA courses at these links. These four courses will help you understand the hierarchy of Incident Command:

IS-100 - Introduction to the Incident Command System

IS–200.b – ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents

IS-700 - National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction

IS-800.b – National Response Framework, An Introduction

Optional:  IS-909 – Community Preparedness: Implementing Simple Activities for Everyone

Notice: Independent Study Exams now require a FEMA Student Identification (SID) Number. If you do not yet have a SID, register for one today.


          Items of interest:

New Amite EOC - 01/22/2018 - During the Tangipahoa Parish Council meeting, Dawson Primes (Director of Tangi OHSEP) read the Proclamation of the Council honoring Ed KE5GMN (Region 9 ADEC) and Pat KE5KMM (Tangi EC) Mason for their work on implementing the communications center in the new Amite EOC. To view photo and more CLICK HERE.

73, Bob Priez WB5FBS, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Digital Training - 08/25/2017 - At the most recent Tangi ARES Training meeting, Emile Diodene KE5QKR of Slidell presented an excellent program on VHF, UHF and HF packet radio. He discussed TNC and soundcard methods and operation. To view his slide show presentation CLICK HERE.

73, Pat KE5KMM, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Severe Weather - 02/07/2017 - Around 8:00am a line of severe weather came through the Region 9 area. Heavy rains and gusty winds were to most of the event. The line of weather cleared the area around 1:00pm that same day. Thanks to all the operators that assisted with weather info to the NWS.

73, Ed KE5GMN, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

August Flooding - Well, I thought I'd post some info related to the recent Great Flood Event of 2016. It was my first ARES activation since becoming the EC (only five days earlier). Let me say, this was a long event, lasting 10 days.
Water rescues from the neighboring parish that had no communications. It's what we are all about! Water rescues from our own Tangipahoa Parish. Road statuses and Red Cross Shelter Communications. It was an interesting time. Also, my first time to work in an EOC (Emergency Operations Center). That has its own challenges. Where are the folks to ask the questions to or who is handling rescues, etc. Believe me, it didn't take long. What made it easy...the ARES operators. Some were new, like me, and some were veterans. It was a slow start, but smoothed out and ran well. Good communications between the operators in the field, the shelters and the EOC.
ARES and amateur operators from all over Southeastern Louisiana joined in with communications. For a time, the only strong repeater in the region West of Tangipahoa Parish was the one located in St. Francisville north of Baton Rouge. Those guys were great.
Well, that's enough for the flood. It looks like we are going to miss this TD #9 for now. Of course, there is another possible threat coming off of Africa to be watched.
Catch up around your place, get prepped for a possible storm, check your equipment and "go bags" and be ready if we get the "real thing" again. Never really knew how much being an amateur radio operator would be so much more than a fun hobby, it's been the lifeline and relief for many during events past and hopefully it will be that and more in future one.

73, Ed KE5GMN, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ARES Registration: Please click this link to register for Louisiana ARES if you have not already done so. Click here to fill out Registration Form

Thanks and 73,
John Mark Robertson K5JMR

Click here to JOIN or Update your Tangi ARES information. 
If you have a cell phone, please include that number and the name of the carrier so we can contact you via text message in case of emergency activation.

Be Prepared, Storms and Severe Weather Occur Anytime!!

Keep informed of coming bulletins and complete your emergency plans!  Besides our local net on the 147.00MHz (-600) repeater, you may wish to monitor the Salvation Army Net on 14.265MHz and the Maritime Service Net on 14.300MHz. Both of those HF nets meet daily, and our own LA state net meets on 7.275MHz and 3.878MHz LSB. The LA ARES Digital Net meets on Sunday at 1830 Local Time on 3.596MHz USB using MT-63 1KL. You can find the latest advisories at:

NOW is the time to review plans for personal preparedness and possible emergency activation. In addition to your "go-kit" and family plans, I encourage you to review your back-up power needs.

It is a good time to review ARES Principles of good communications procedures.

Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) and SKYWARN volunteers in Louisiana assisted the National Weather Service (NWS), as record-setting rainfall led to severe and widespread flooding. We were able to receive and send weather bulletins and flood conditions to and from the NWS in Slidell, Louisiana, using our 147.000 repeater and the Slidell 147.270 repeater. The 147.000 repeater also provided communication with the EOC at Southeastern Louisiana University and Tangipahoa Parish EOC in Amite. Fixed stations used packet radio on VHF as well as conventional e-mail to relay NWS weather bulletins and to forward local reports to NWS.

Current Registered Tangipahoa ARES members as of March 1st, 2017:

Mike Ansalve KF5JSO    &nbsp   Al Baker KF5IBW    &nbsp  John Bankston KG5DVN

Sandy Blaize W5TVW      Carmen Bray KF5VXO   Kevin Calmes KD5JWW

Forrest Clark KD5PKS      Tom Crais KF6QJQ       Kevin Cutrer KF5DQZ

Ricky Cutrer KF5TQT       Keith Davis AG5GW       Patti Faurie KE5NG

Pete Liuzza WB5ERM       Ed Mason KE5GMN       Mike Mason KE5KMH

Pat Mason KE5KMM     Dean Melancon KG5AAE  Lambert Michel KG5DDW

Dottie Minor KF5YNM       Francis Minor KF5YNN    David Oehler K4BHY

Bryan Oliver K5EBO      Donna Parent KE5HFC      David Pechon KA5TTZ

Bill Price KB5OBW           Bob Priez WB5FBS        Robert Pullman KE5JJC

James Redmond K5QNT  Charles Saucier KG5NGL    John Stout Sr. N5JHF

Alan Travis KR5T            Jim Valega WB5LSH        Wally West KG5EOT

Scott Hernandez KD5PCK  Manny Miyares WD5BJR   Chris Fox KF5MEK

Donna Holten KG5JSL        Roy Holten KG5JSM      Tim Keating KE5WNZ

Keith Samrow KF5VLX      Randy Wesley KG5BVM     


FCC Rules on Emergency Drills --

On July 14, 2010 the FCC adopted a Report and Order allowing hams who are employed by both government and non-government agencies such as hospitals, to participate in emergency and disaster drills on behalf of their employers. For more on the report and the new paragraph added to Section 97.113(a)(3) of the FCC rules, click here FCC Report.

Message Handling --

Here is an excellent resource from ARRL about traffic and net operations that you can access via the web:


"Getting Started With Traffic Handling" Powerpoint

Proper message handling and formatting is possibly the most important factor in emergency communications. Many messages are relayed several times from the originator to the recipient. The ARRL radiogram format has been the standard used in most EmComm situations. The form reduces the chance for mistakes and should be studied and understood BEFORE you actually copy an important message. Follow the links on this page for a blank printable radiogram and instructions for using the form. A copy of both should be included in your go-kit. The ICS-213 is rapidly replacing the ARRL radiogram in emergency communications, but it lacks the header information of the radiogram which is important for tracking formal traffic. Click on this link for a copy of an ICS-213 form with the added preface of the radiogram for amateur radio traffic. Print out a few copies to keep in your 'go-kit'.


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